People may change, but memories don't.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lama Tak Update


sori lame x update, malas giler. hey.. aq ader fikir yang aq nk letek beberape gambar yg... ape2 entah since aq x tau nk update ape. -.-''

and too Suraya nad Irsyad, aq sori sesangat sebab  lame sangat tak update story aq tu.malaz...


igat lagi x memori2 bersame org tersayang korg?

yes, it was simple when we were a kid.

^what is the use of you making the cookie for him?

kids, dont do this at home.



nilah masalah remaje sekarang.

bye2. jumpe lagi, aq cari gambar2 lagi yer..


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